Prested Real Tennis Club

Tel: 01376 570220


Court Fees

Court Fees - all Adult Member Categories
Glass Court Per court Per person
Singles 1 Hour £21.00 £10.50
Doubles 1.5 hours £49.20 £12.30
Far Court Per court Per person
Singles 1 hour £19.00 £9.50
Doubles 1.5 hours £43.20 £10.80

Court Fees - Junior Members Categories
Glass Court Per court Per person
Singles 1 Hour £10.00 £5.00
Doubles 1.5 hours £24.00 £6.00
Far Court Per court Per person
Singles 1 hour £8.00 £4.00
Doubles 1.5 hours £21.00 £5.25

Booking a Court

Courts can be booked quickly and easily using the Real Tennis Online court booking system, usually referred to simply as RTO.

This can be found at

If you do not have access to RTO then our pro team can get you set up quickly and easily. Whilst our pro team can book courts for you, we strongly encourage all members to book their own courts using RTO as this greatly reduces the administrative burden on the pro team and allows them to devote their time to running the club.

Note that you will need to be a member of the Tennis and Rackets Association (T&RA) to use RTO. The club recommends that all members join the T&RA as membership brings many benefits such as access to T&RA tournaments.